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What we do?
From targeted actions like boosting your career pages and job offers, optimizing your processes and internal communication or creating employer content to a fully tailor-made inbound recruiting strategy, People Agent helps you recruiting more and quicker while reducing your costs.
About us
or go a full inbound recruiting strategy
If you want to rethink in depth the way you are currently recruiting, People Agent is your strategic partner to shape your fully tailor-made inbound recruiting strategy. To achieve that, we have to go through 5 steps. After an employer audit to determine where you stand in the digital space and what are your current processes, we translate your recruitment needs in talent profiles (candidate personas) and get to know them better to target them efficiently.
After that first step, we come up with a strategy and recommendations, including budgets and timelines. Then we determine together which actions you want to implement and manage the execution.
Finally - since we want to provide a long-term plan - we measure the result of every action and learn from it to fine-tune further actions and make sure you get the most out of your inbound recruiting strategy. We cover the whole process from strategic thinking to the reporting of your actions.
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Choose from targeted actions
In a recruitment process, small details can make a huge difference. That’s why People Agent is there to help you optimize every touchpoint you have with talents. Maybe you don't have the need to fully re-shape your recruitment strategy now, that's why we have identified some key elements to be reworked to improve your employer image and get more relevant CVs.

Career pages
We rework your career pages content to make your company more appealing to talents and optimize SEO to make sure they easily find you.

Internal comm.
and retention
We make sure the right content is distributed amongst your teams, organize internal events or workshops and work on the onboarding processes to engage your employees.

Job offers
We optimize your job offers content, design and usability to make it more appealing. We make sure that all information is relevant and that you use the right keywords to be found and understood.

Employer content
We create employer content for you to enrich your career pages, job offers and social media accounts. We help you give some inspiring insight to top talents to make them consider you as an employer.
Contact us
+32 475 65 31 80
People Agent SPRL
Chaussée Saint-Pierre 387
1040 Brussels
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